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Festooning (looped wire) cable systems are simple and inexpensive types of available electrification and offer a relatively trouble free method of bringing electric power to moving equipment. Typically, the only problem with festooning is that the hanging loops could tangle with obstructions or interfere with lifts if installed in areas with low ceilings. Modern festooning systems are normally designed so these possible trouble areas can be eliminated. Festooning systems are an exceptionally valuable system when extensive electrification is required to accommodate numerous push button stations in a pendant control suspended from the crane hoist.

The systems are also extremely effective in high moisture areas or where chemical fumes are present. Festooning may be the only type of electrification that can be used for these applications.  Festoon systems are not recommended for long runways and are generally used for travel lengths limited to 60 feet. Also, festooning wire suspended from a small track and trolley system can be extended for usage up to 150 feet.



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